Learning a new programing language


I know that there are a lot of software engineers and future software engineers out there reading this blog. So in this blog I am going to convey about how I felt when I learned a new programing language. The language I learned is HTML which stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. Which is a pure opinion that I will tell you, it is really simple to learn HTML. I am also going to talk about a bit of setting up HTML and using it for free.

How I started

From childhood, I had a ambition of being a software engineer and I even got a lot of support because my parents where also software engineers. I did not know about how fabulous a computer was until I used it in the age of 5. At the age of ten I almost mastered HTML and started to make local web files and view it in the internet as a local file. And as for my opinion I would say that learning a simple language like HTML is actually really, really simple. I first found out a free platform to learn a programing language. And that was the time I heard about  W3Schools. It is a safe and a free website to almost learn any language. I started my journey of learning HTML with that website. I would say that my experience was great but there where to things that where inconvenient from that website.

1. Each time you click the try it yourself button to see the code and edit it, it always opens the link in a new tab. which is so annoying to close it.  

2. I would tell that it would be a better experience to have a, in video tutorial.

Platforms that you will love to learn on

I found out 2 platforms that will definitely interest you. For a adult or a experienced learner, I would recommend using W3Schools. But for young learners whose ages are below 15 can learn in Khan Academy. Khan Academy is also a safe website and is a widespread too, and I should say that it is a great website for young learners who are interested in  programing. In Khan Academy there are a lot of courses on the stem learning. Which are:





It also has a lot of video courses which I am sure will interest young learners of the age. It has courses about computer learning and they start with the language JavaScript. JS (JavaScript) is a very important language to start your programing journey. It also has a lot of connections between HTML, which plays a very important role in creating interactive websites with HTML. And all this is for free.

 I would tell that the 2 important languages that connects with HTML, makes your website beautiful and interactive other than HTML are, JS and CSS. CSS is a front end language which is used in designing your website and make it more colorful with all the styles that you will like. I would also recommend using W3Schools or Khan Academy for learning CSS.

Setting up for first use

If you are using a PC then you are lucky because you dont need any installation, but you are out of luck if you are in your phone. I would recommend you to use your PC.

So as I said, using a PC does not need any kind of installation. So the first step is to open Notepad it your PC.

Next type the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html>                                               


HTML is a languages that uses tags which mean it has a start and a end tag like <your tag eg.head></your tag eg.head>. You can't use your own custom tag, you can only use the tags that are created with the language. And now you can start inserting your code inside the <body></body> tag. Here is a simple code for inserting a text in your code.

<!DOCTYPE html>                                               

<h1>My First Heading</h1>


<p>My first paragraph.</p>                                                                                                            


<p> tag stands for paragraph and the <h1> tag stands for heading 1. If you input <h2> then it will be a more smaller heading. you can apply the same pattern until <h6>.  And while saving you code, input a name for your file followed by .html so that is saves as a HTML file and not a normal text file.

After saving your code search it in the search bar.

Open the one with your browser symbol. And viola you have your first local webpage!!!

Hope you found this blog useful.
Stay tuned for the next blog on how to add multiple accounts in the windows mail app






  1. Wow Cool Blog. I Like It Ver Much. I Dont No How To Use HTML. Thanks For This Blog

    1. Thanks. I am happy that you found it useful :-}


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