Raising pets


I know that a lot of people in this world are a bit perplexed about raising a pet, or is it a tough job to raise one. I can say that it is a pure opinion that I think it is really fun and and really easy to raise a pet. I have 2 dogs and I named them after Argentina's football player, Leonardo Messi and Xavi, (I am not a really fan of football). I know that they sometimes do get in my nerves but then I try my best to keep calm. 

Feeding your puppy

When I bought them as a puppy in the pet store, I used to feed them milk almost 4 to 5 times a day, they first started to learn how to drink the milk with the nibble. Then I gradually started to pour the milk in a plate and they got used to drinking the milk in the plate. But I definitely can't continue feeding them milk for 2 reasons

1. Milk is expensive.

2. It is very time consuming.

So for those 2 reasons I started to add a bit of cooked rise to their diet and I am pretty sure that they did not know that I had added a bit of rise to their milk. But then after I started to increase the amount of rice added to the milk, they knew that I was adding more rise to their diet and they started to eat less food. But I refused to change the food. And they started to eat rice with curd. I hit up to a major problem, that was they kept toppling the plate and all the food would spill out, and I had to feed them again. So I put a end to it. I bought one of those sturdy plates from the pet store and that put a end to the problem, I would definitely recommend using one of them if you are having a dog. I usually take them for a walk to keep them healthy and have their own stimulation. I did not feed them any dog treats but instead I bought them some calcium bones.

Choosing the leash for your dog

I would definitely say that it is very important that you choose the right leash for your dog. I would recommend that you start to train them for a walk as a puppy. I started to train them with the leash when they where a 2 month old puppy. But the time will vary for different dogs. If you have a small dog like a poodle you would have to wait for a bit more time before training them for a walk. But if you have a dog not leash trained and it is too late, then I would recommend that you buy one of those body leash form the pet shop. The body leash helps the dog to not choke when you pull it. But I would definitely recommend you to train your dog for a walk when it is a puppy rather than having one of those body leashes because it will definitely make your dog look more cuter.

Spending time with your pet

Your pet has a routine which is formed as a puppy or a kitten. It is very important to follow the routine. For example, I feed my dog in the morning, take them for a walk, come back and tie them, take them for a walk in the evening, come home tie them and feed them. So this is the daily routine for my dog and I make sure that I follow it. It is also very important that you spend as much as time as you can with your pet. Spending more time with your pet will increase the bond between you and it. 

My conclusion

So my conclusion is that, I will definitely recommend you to raise a pet. I think is is easy to raise one.


Stay Tuned about my next blog on learning an programing language


  1. Nice and useful information. Helpful for people who want some guidance in petting.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yeah, it is fun to watch them grow. They are part of our family.

  3. First, I appreciate you in taking time and wrote a neat blog on raising pets.
    Second, this blog is so useful to raise 🐕. People who reluctant to raise pet will start raise after seeing this blog. Keep it up.

  4. I Like To Play With Pets

  5. Wow this helped a bit in raising my pet... nice


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