Learning a new language and should I learn a new language


Hello everyone, in this blog I am going to talk about my feelings on learning a new language, which is French. I have not yet mastered French and in fact I am just in the intermediate level. I know this might sound shocking but then I am going to write this blog on how I actually felt till now. So without any further delay lets start going to the juicy part.

How I felt

So let me get my expression straight forward without sugarcoating it. So I felt interested at first and then I slowly got a bit more bored. So now let me go in deep, actually I couldn't loose track of learning the language because there are lessons on that language going on in my school too, so there is not a chance that I will loose touch. And let me tell you something else, dont learn 2 languages at the same time because I learnt my lesson on that part. I usually started to learn French but then I slowly started to gain interest in Japanese too. So I learnt both but then I am having hard time trying to not forget any part of any language.

How I learn

I am pretty sure that the million people who are reading this blog is wondering on how do I ever learn all these languages in the first place. Well I use an website called Duolingo. you can almost learn any language with that website and what's more? It is completely free. So you dont have the nuisance of getting your membership or subscription back on track like I did today for my mobile phone. Well it is a very interactive learning website with their currency called lingots in the web and gems in the app. And you can set your daily goal so you can learn at your own pace. I have learnt something else. never ever input your age below 13 or 13. because you can never change it and it tottaly cuts down a lot of main features like the forum and the league. But even though you grow it will take you as the same 8 year child. Well I do have some other decent and free and fun websites to learn. But I recomend Duolingo. here are the other websites I was talking about:

So well I am done with all my blogging and here comes the part everyone was waiting for, should I learn a language. Well my answer is:



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