Maintaining your gear cycle with these 5 essential tips


I know that a lot of gear cycle owners don't get the right tips on how to maintain your gear cycle. But then don't worry because you are in the right place to get the most important and needed tips rather than the useless and unwanted ones. So without any further delay let's go into the juicy part.

Tip 1 : Choosing the right gear cycle for you. 

Im pretty sure the heading says, "maintaining your gear cycle", and why bother about buying a gear cycle. Well something more important than maintaining your gear cycle is buying the right fit gear cycle. I am pretty sure that you think the standards for a gear cycle is 3 chain rings and 7 gears. But then if you thought of that then you are wrong. There are cycles with 7 gears and no chain rings. So choosing the right bike (Eg. mountain bike, gravel bike, no chain-ring bike) is very important for your comfort in your bike.

Tip 2 : Changing the gear the right way

The mostly unspoken, bitter truth is, but then if you don't change your gear in the proper method then you are going to end up spending this weekend trying to fix your jammed gear. The proper way to change the gear is to, start by not pedaling, pause, change the gear, pause, and start pedaling. This is actually the right way to change your gear. It is mandatory that you don't pedal while changing your gear, to avoid a smooth change. A lot of people change it right away, not stopping to pedal, this might have more serious consequences that you think

Tip 3 : Lubricating your chain often

It seems like a lame trick and you might already follow it. But it may tick you that a lot of people actually DON'T lubricate their chains. Lubricating your chain will make your chain last longer and will ensure that you have a fluent gear changing so that you don't need to get your tools out of the bag. It is actually pretty easy to do so. 
1. Take a box of grease and a spatula.
2. scoop a little bit into the spatula. 
3. Rotate the chain and slowly let the grease spread into it.
4. Place everything back safely

So this old and lame trick could save your bank balance!!

Tip 4 : Don't have your gear in the highest or the lowest

This may sound shocking, but then this plays a very major part in your chain life. Yes!! Do not have your chain rings or your gears in the exremes ie. 3rd, 1st or 7nth. It increases the tension in the chain and it will drastically change or reduce the chain life. There isnt anything wrong about having it for a short period of time. But long time use can have a impact.

Tip 5 : Having the right amount of air in the tire

So this is a very important tip not only for a gear cycle but this is a tip that SHOULD be implemented in all the cycles including the normal ones. If you have a tubeless tire then you can just skip this tip because this tip has nothing to do with a tubeless tire. Now lets come to the tire with tubes. Make sure you inflate the right amount of air (psi) in your tire. You can check the maximum amount a tire can cold in its impression on the tire. It is a very good habit that you fill your front tire with a lesser air that in the back tire. If you don't then there is a high chance of skidding and a low air pressure will end up draining most of your energy and deforming your rim.

So that is all for today. Hope you found this blog useful. If you think that I should add something else in my blog then you are more than welcome to type it down in the comment section bellow. I will try to add all your noteworthy tips in this article. Happy Biking!!!!
Stay tuned for a beginners tutorial on Visual Studio Code


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