A Beginner Tutorial To Visual Studio Code


By the end of this blog you will know how to use Visual Studio Code well. So i do not want to waste your precious time and let's get started. NOTE: this blog is for windows


Now, the installation process is pretty straightforward click here to go to the download page. It is basically so straightforward. Just sometimes it asks you for installing other items like compilers for python and c++. Which you can select and is your choice.


As soon as you open the app after installing it looks something like this:
Okay I know that it looks a bit different with the welcome screen but if you are going to search through the screen you will find a option called open folder. After clicking that button, go to the place where you want to start coding. Then create a folder with your project name. And then click the folder and press Select Folder:

 Now as soon as you are inside the folder you will be deciding what language to use. For example if you want to make a new file click the new file button:
And then name the file and add an .html extension to it. Here is an example:
Now it is up to you to learn the language and put the code in it. 
NOTE: If i get 10 comments saying "course", then I am going to make a course for HTML as a blog

Now if you are going to use HTML for your project then i would recommend that you install an extension called "Live Server". As it a great pain to refresh the page every time. 
Well if you are stuck on how to install an extension then follow these steps:

1. go to the extensions panel:
2.Type in live server in the search bar
3. Install the extension with the author called Ritwick Dey.
Now customization is a very big big part of your IDE  you can install extensions to change themes. For example: The extension called "synth wave 64" makes your text glow. You can also follow YouTube videos for more cooler effects. 

I guess it makes sense to end the blog here and as i said this is not the complete course for visual studio code, This is just the beginners basic guide.

Don't forget about commenting "course" for a HTML course. :)

Stay tuned for my experience in Coorg, Karnataka, India


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